Getting stuck while the process is still running means you don’t have the right update. The Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser might take some time to finish the process.

REG QUERY “HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsUpgradeExperienceIndicators” /v UpgEx | findstr UpgExif “%errorlevel%” = “0” GOTO RunGWXreg add “HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsAppraiser” /v UtcOnetimeSend /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /fschtasks /run /TN “MicrosoftWindowsApplication ExperienceMicrosoft Compatibility Appraiser”

Use an account with admin properties and follow these instructions: Try some more actual fixing, which requires tweaking your system. If neither of the first two issues is behind your problem, then it will remain even after running Windows Update. After which, you can get your Windows 10 for free. Simply running Windows Update will resolve the first two issues. How to Fix Windows 10 Free Reservation Not Working

Find your answer in our proposed solution.

You might also be wondering how to reserve your free upgrade to Windows 10. Users have stated that the free reservation of Windows 10 is not working as it should be and thus causes users to worry that they might not be able to get their free copy of Windows as expected. However, a significant number of users have logged complaints about this app. The first version of Windows 10 was launched over 2 years ago, and those using the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems constantly keep reserving their free version of Windows 10 via the ‘Get Windows 10’ app.