It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. I don't know prop hunt, I don't know how to hook 2 hooks to a single function,but fuck it, here you goCODElocal amount = 10 local hasWon = falsehook.Add( 'PlayerDeath', 'FeedMeMore', function( victim, weapon, killer )if( IsValid( killer ) and IsValid( victim ) ) thenif( killer:IsPlayer and victim:IsPlayer ) thenif ( killer:Team ROLEHUNTER and victim:Team ROLEPROP ) thenkiller:PSGivePoints( 10 ) killer:PSNotify('You've been given '10' points for killing that prop, Nice shot!' ) end end end end )hook.Add('RoundEnd', 'InComesTheAeroplane', functionfor k,v in pairs (team.GetPlayers(ROLEPROP)) doif(v:Alive) thenv:PSGivePoints( 10 ) v:PSNotify('You've been given '10' points for winning, Nice Spot!'Ĭheck out Gmod Prop Hunt. I'm not asking you to finish the code but, I've got something and could use a little guidance/help/pointers if anyone has any.CODElocal amount = 10 hook.Add( 'PlayerDeath', 'KillPoints' ),function( victim, weapon, killer )if( IsValid( killer ) and IsValid( victim ) ) thenif( killer:IsPlayer and victim:IsPlayer ) thenif ( killer:Team ROLEHUNTER and victim:Team ROLEPROP ) thenkiller:PSGivePoints( 10 ) killer:PSNotify('You've been given '10' points for killing that prop, Nice shot!' ) elseif ( killer:Team ROLEPROP and ROUND -HELP HERE PLEASE-then killer:PSGivePoints( 10 ) killer:PSNotify('You've been given '10' points for winning, Nice Spot!' ) end end end end )/CODE.